Thursday, September 23, 2010

Picking the tab

The other day when i was out with my ex course-mates having high tea, our topic somehow drifted to guys being a gentleman by picking up the tab. i do not expect guys to foot the bill, especially if he's just a friend. and even if he's my partner, i wouldn't expect him to foot the bill each time we're out on a date.

I'm not just talking about dates here, but also going out with friends of the opposite sex in general.

I kind of sympathize with the guys cos they feel obligated to pay when they're out with a girl even if it's not a date. or the need to impress the girls or the need to act gentlemanly. yet on the other hand, all we girls have to do is dress up, be pretty, smile a lot, shop and eat... okay, maybe not. to make things even worse, is if he's out with typical shameless bimbos who leech on guys and shows no concern towards the hole she's burning in his pockets. then again, if he asked her out or agreed to go out with her, then he pretty much asked for it!

But, i've also met a fair share of really shameless guys who are just plain stingy and leeches on me. yes, these TELL me to pay for dinners! i am independent, i've been earning my own keep for a good few years and i am okay with going dutch. but that doesn't mean i'm okay with guys leeching on me and demanding / insisting that i pick the tab. that's just ridiculous! if he had asked politely, i would consider treating him to a meal... but to insist, he's throwing all respect i had for him out of the window.

And i went on to explain how if in future i have a son, i would want him to pay for his girlfriend and pamper her... but it might be really taxing on my side too, assuming my son is still studying. (i know, i'm single and i have no intentions of getting a boyfriend yet i'm thinking of all these?!) one thing i definitely believe in is that every girl deserves to be pampered like a princess!

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