Friday, November 26, 2010

It all starts in the mind

So it's now official, i'm left with 2 modules and 1 final project to go and i'm graduating. i'm super excited but i'm also keeping my fingers (and toes!) crossed on the last 2 modules. although i'm confident about myself, i don't wanna be over-confident.

One thing i've learn throughout the course is that, it all starts in the mind. sometimes you get skeptical, you have doubts on your own capabilities, you question your intelligence, you get lazy... unknowingly you are allowing your thoughts to take control of you and hold you back from pursuing your dreams. you have already lost the battle even before the real challenge greets you. and the only person who can make things better, is yourself, by changing your mindset.

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. ( -Henry Ford ) and this is very, very true... or at least 99.99% of the time in my case!! and i don't think it was out of sheer luck, it definitely was not.

Having a positive mindset isn't enough. can you lose weight by believing in yourself that you can, yet not work-out and continue to have all your favorite donuts, ice-creams, chips and junks? NO. i also believe that with hard work comes success. likewise if you sit in an examination hall unprepared yet believe you can pass the subject... wake up, it's never gonna happen.

So, what i'm trying to say is... your mindset is the most important asset in your life. it's the one thing that determines your future, your results and what you want in life. whatever you can do, or dream that you can, begin it. boldness has genius, power, magic in it. ( -Goethe )

I remember before i started out on this course, i had a friend who asked me, "what if you end up failing?" (or something along that line). i replied confidently and almost immediately, "i'd try again". what he asked next caught me off guards. "what if you just keep failing?" this, had never for once crossed my mind when i made up my mind to pursue my Diploma course. i don't remember being worried that i'd fail so badly that i'll never be able to complete the course. i was so persistent on getting my hands on that certificate no matter what. there's no room for failure. i was that persistent. i've made up my mind that that's what i'm gonna do and nothing's gonna get in my way. his questions made me realized something i didn't see in myself, that confidence, boldness and persistence. although he went on to question me again and i looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

Along the way, i sometimes do have doubts on my own capabilities. or sometimes, i get lazy or just wanna go out and play... but i've managed to fight all that negativity and temptations and made it this far! from a drop-out who insisted she's never gonna go back to the books, to someone who's about to complete her Diploma... seriously, if i can do it, i believe many out there would also be able to do it if they're determined enough.

As for pursuing my Degree course? *shudders* that's another story for another day.

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